

take off有三个主要的用法:
1. 起飞:表示飞机开始飞行离开地面。例如:The plane took off at 6 o'clock. 此处的took off意为飞机在6点起飞。
2. 减少、去除:表示数量或数额减少、去除。例如:Sales have taken off this year. 此处的taken off意为销量减少或下降。The company took off 10 percent of the workforce. 此处的took off意为公司裁员10%。
3. 突然增长或 succeed:表示某事物突然增长,或某人开始成功。例如:My business really took off last year. 此处的took off意为我的生意突然增长或成功。His acting career took off after he starred in that movie. 此处的took off意为在主演那部电影后,他的表演生涯突然成功。
除了以上三个主要用法,take off还有一些其他用法,如:
•启程,起程:We took off on our vacation early Sunday morning. 我们周日一大早就启程开始了假期。
•模仿:My brother took off the way my dad walks. 我哥哥模仿爸爸走路的样子。
•跑掉,离开: The dog took off as soon as I opened the gate. 我打开大门,那条狗就跑掉了。
•休息或睡觉:I'm going to take off early tonight. 我今晚要早点休息或睡觉。
•放假:We have a long weekend so I'm going to take off Friday. 我们有个长周末,所以我周五会放假。
总之,take off是一个常用的词组,意思取决于上下文,但起飞、减少和突然增长或成功是三个最主要的用法。希望以上解释可以帮助到你。