

1. 表示'空气'的单词:
air, airflow, airborne, airless, airy,etc.
例如:The air feels fresh after the rain. 雨后空气感觉清新。
2. 表示'气氛'的单词:
air, ambiance, aura, atmosphere, atmospherics, demeanor, feeling, mood,etc.
例如:There is a friendly atmosphere at the party. 活动现场有友好的气氛。
3. 表示'方式'的单词:
air, appearance, aspect, character, complexion, condition, consistence, feature, look, manner, nature, quality, semblance, style, temper, tone, vein, guise,etc. 
例如:He has the air of a educated man. 他有一副教养良好的做派。
4. 表示'旋律'的单词:
air, anthem, arrangement, bar, carol, chorus, composition, descant, drone, harmony, hymn, lay, lyric, melody, motif, number, opus, piece, refrain, score, song, strain, theme, tune,etc.
例如:I have that song stuck in my head with its catchy tune and air. 那首歌的容易上脑的曲调和旋律深深留在我的脑海里。
5. 其它:
aerate, aerial, aerobic, aerodrome, aerosol, aircraft, airline, airmail, airplane, airport, airship, airway,etc.
例如:We will travel to Paris by air. 我们将乘飞机前往巴黎。