

1. 不是我不讲情面,是情这个字写不起来。
2. 你离开的速度实在太快,我都来不及喊慢点。
3. 你与我,三观超出了一号线车厢的空调区域。
4. 我对你好像高铁,停靠最后一站,不掉头。
5. 你我之间建立不起来的感情,就像我在二十度的水里泡方便面。
6. 与你的感情谈判已经失败,各退一步距今一百米。
7. 珍惜当下,不留遗憾。我只是当下把你给不珍惜了。
8. “分手总是让人感伤的情景,我也会难过,大概三分钟?天气太热,时间难以长久。”
9. “人生海海,你我渺渺。离别时不妨手牵手,一起跳海可好?”
10. “最后让我想到的是老鼠之间也是有感情的,否则怎么会生这么多老鼠。”
11. “你走吧,路上小心点。记得带好我给你的礼物,噢,抱歉我还没给你买礼物。” 
总之,幽默的绝交回复需要达到轻松幽默而不致令人尴尬的效果。要以夸张的手法,对离别的遗憾与感伤进行戏谑调侃,表达出超然的心态与态度。而不要 employing过于严肃的语言,那样容易离经叛道。希望以上例句能给您的离别回复带来一些灵感。
Here are some humorous examples of breaking up:
1. It's not that I don't care about you, it's just that I can't write the word "care".
2. You left so fast that I didn't even have time to ask you to slow down.
3. You and I have values that are beyond the air conditioning area of a subway car.
4. I seem to be like a high-speed rail for you, stopping at the last stop, not turning back. 
5. The feelings I can't build up between you and me are like me soaking instant noodles in twenty degree water.  
6. The emotional negotiation between you and me has failed, each retreating one hundred meters from now.
7. Cherish the present and have no regrets. I just didn't cherish you at the moment.
8. "Breaking up is always a sad situation. I will be sad too, probably for three minutes? The weather is too hot, the time is hard to last long." 
9. "The sea of life, you and I are insignificant. When parting, why not hold hands and jump into the sea together?" 
10. "In the end, it occurred to me that rats also have feelings for each other, otherwise how could they produce so many rats."
11. "Go ahead, be careful on the road. Remember to bring the gift I gave you, oh, sorry I haven't bought you a gift yet."
In summary, humorous breakup replies need to achieve a relaxed and humorous effect without embarrassment. Use exaggerated techniques to mockingly banter about the regrets and sorrows of parting, and express a detached attitude. Do not use overly serious language, which can easily deviate from the norm. I hope the above examples can provide some inspiration for your farewell replies.