1. 梨树的果实——梨子,个头硕大,甜脆可口,营养丰富,富含糖分、维生素和矿物质,是许多人喜爱的水果之一。可以直接食用,也可制作成果酱,果脯或酿酒。
2. 梨树的花骨朵——梨花,白色或粉红色,五瓣,芳香清新。梨树开花时,满树梨花,美不胜收,是许多人喜欢的观花植物。
3. 梨树幼嫩的新叶红色,绽放时与白色梨花映衬,格外妖娆。而秋天的梨叶则是金黄色,与硕大的梨子一起,构成秋天梨树的美丽景象。
4. 梨树的树形典雅,枝繁叶茂,夏天可遮阳,秋天可观赏,是理想的庭院绿化树种。
5. 梨树的树洞深邃古朴,许多小动物会选择在梨树的树洞中筑巢,如果幸运的话,在梨树的树洞中能发现棕色的小鸟蛋或刚出生的小鸟,这也是梨树的一个乐趣。
6. 梨树有时还会长出奇形怪状的“人面梨”,果实上长出来像人脸的突起,有的长得酷似人脸,形态各异,十分有趣。
7. 梨树的树皮粗糙,树干和老枝上常常长出各种朴素的木质疣瘤,也很有趣。一棵老梨树,就像是一个自然界的活化石,让人流连忘返。
总之,梨树不仅外形典雅,果实可口,花开 also 也美丽,而且树干、叶子和“人面梨”都很有趣,是一个值得观赏和寻乐的园林植物。
The pear tree has many fun places:
1. The fruit of the pear tree - pears, with a huge size, sweet and crispy, nutritious, rich in sugar, vitamins and minerals, is one of the favorite fruits of many people. It can be eaten directly, or made into jam, dried fruit or wine.
2. The flower bud of the pear tree - pear blossom, white or pink, with five petals, fresh and fragrant. When the pear tree is in full bloom, the whole tree is full of pear blossoms, which is too beautiful to look away, and is a flowering plant that many people like to watch.
3. The young leaves of the pear tree are red, blooming with white pear flowers, especially enchanting. The pear leaves in autumn are golden yellow, together with the huge pears, forming a beautiful autumn scenery of the pear tree.
4. The pear tree has an elegant shape, with lush branches and leaves. It can shade the sun in summer and be appreciated in autumn. It is an ideal tree species for greening courtyards.
5. The deep and simple tree holes of the pear tree. Many small animals will choose to nest in the tree holes of the pear tree. If you are lucky, you can find brown little bird eggs or newly born little birds in the tree holes of the pear tree, which is also a pleasure of the pear tree.
6. Sometimes pear trees will also grow strange "human face pears". Protrusions that grow like a human face on the fruit, some of which look quite like a human face, come in all shapes and sizes and are very interesting.
7. The bark of the pear tree is rough. On the trunk and old branches, various simple woody warts often grow, which is also interesting. An old pear tree is like a living fossil in nature,