

1. You are being couch potato again, just glued to the TV screen all the time and not helping with any chores. 你又成了长沙发土豆,整天贴在电视屏幕前,从不帮忙做任何家务。
2. All you do is watch TV, you never help out with housework. 你就会看电视,从不帮忙做家务。
3. Do you plan to help out at home at all or you expect me/us to do all the work while you relax in front of the TV? 你打算帮忙做家务吗?还是期望我/我们做全部工作而你在电视前悠闲地放松?
4. Stop being such a couch potato and help out with chores for a change! 别成天都是长沙发土豆,开始帮忙做家务改变一下吧!
5. Get off the couch and help me/us out, will you?! 从沙发上下来帮我/我们的忙,行吗?!
6. You watch so much TV, I/we feel like you care more about your shows than helping around the house. 你看这么多电视,我/我们觉得你更在乎你的节目而不是帮忙做家务。
7. Another TV show? Really? Do you plan to do anything else, like helping out with chores maybe? 又一档电视节目?真的吗?你打算做点其他事吗,比如说帮忙做家务?