

After chasing dreams beyond my reach,
After I lie down in bed each night,
What do I do,what's left for me?
I think about your smile,your eyes,
Your voice,your gentle touch,
Your loving words that lift me up.
The dreams I dreamed,now gone for good,
The love I longed for,now understood,  
As something I could never have,
My heart must learn to finally leave the past.
The darkness falls,sleep comes and goes,
The hours pass while no one knows,
These thoughts of you will fill my night,
As I hold tight to memories of when life felt light.
What's done is done,what's gone is gone,
There's no return for anyone.
The present calls me to move on,
The future waits for a new dawn.
So I will rest and drift away,
Pray that tomorrow brings a better day.
Where love still hopes and happiness feels real, 
And joy returns for it's here I want to dwell.
For now goodnight my dear,goodnight,
We'll say goodbye in the fading light.
This aching heart will mend I'm told,
These tired eyes will no longer hold,
The tender gaze of your memory,
After I wake,after sleep has set me free.
这是一首表达 loved and lost 的慢歌。词曲描写了在追求不可及之爱后,睡觉时心中依然满是对爱人的回忆,难以释怀。但是明白这段感情已成过去,醒来要继续向前看,心中要重新燃起希望,找寻属于自己的快乐。歌词试图表达失去爱情后继续生活的疼痛与勇气。