

1. 评估路况 - 先观察路边是否可以停车,路面宽窄状况,是否有其他车辆经过,避免影响其他车辆通行。
2. 调整车位 - 利用车内后视镜观察两侧,缓慢调整车位,使车体尽可能贴近路边,给对向车辆留出空间。
3. 定点停车 - 选择一个相对开阔的位置停下,使车体与路边石块、树木等障碍物保持适当距离。
4. 观察盲区 - 停稳后,打开车门前检查车门可能遮挡的盲区,避免影响其他道路用户。
5. 起步抬头 - 起步时注意观察两侧后视镜情况,尤其是乘客下车后车门打开的一侧,抬头看清后方行人及车辆状况。
6. 慢速起步 - 起步后保持较慢车速,注意控制转向灵活性,随时做好刹车准备,避免刮蹭路边障碍物。
7. 礼让通行 - 如果遇到对向车辆,要礼让对方先行通行,必要时可以倒车让行或调整车位。
8. 安全第一 - 在整个停车过程中,安全驾驶是首要准则,不要为求停车方式而冒险,保证行车及路人安全。
9. 熟练练习 - 多在类似窄路条件下练习侧方位停车,才能熟练掌握 Various techniques should be mastered to parallel park on a narrow road smoothly:
1. Assess road conditions - check if parking is allowed, road width, passing vehicles, avoid blocking traffic. 
2. Adjust position - use rearview mirrors to align the car, move slowly and get as close to the curb as possible.
3. Park at a spot - choose a relatively open spot, keep proper distance from obstructions. 
4. Check blind spots - check door opening blind spots before opening doors.
5. Check before moving - check mirrors thoroughly before pulling out, especially the passenger side.
6. Pull out slowly - move out slowly, be ready to brake, avoid scraping obstacles.
7. Give way - yield to oncoming vehicles if necessary, reverse or adjust.
8. Safety first - don't take risks just to parallel park, ensure safety.
9. Practice makes perfect - get familiar with parallel parking through repeated practice.