

《一叶茶千夜话》(The Story of Tea)是BBC于2016年拍摄的一部纪录片,共6集,每集约30分钟。该片从茶的起源讲起,跨越2000多年的历史,讲述茶从中国传播到世界各地的故事。
Renowned historians trace the epic story of tea. Starting in ancient China, tea was first used as a medicinal plant before it evolved into a popular drink. Buddhist scholars spread tea from China to Japan. 
Tea travelled from China to the West via the Silk Route, reaching the Ottoman Empire. Populariser Jan Janszoon established the first European tea trade in Holland. The British later monopolized the tea trade through the British East India Company.
Tea gained popularity in Britain's American colonies but led to tensions with the British that contributed to the American Revolution. Back in China, the Opium Wars were fought to counter the trade imbalance caused by Europe's demand for tea.
New production processes revolutionised tea manufacturing in the 19th century. Clippers and the Suez Canal reduced transportation times as tea became a staple drink in Britain. Creative marketing promoted tea as a symbol of health, status and female domesticity.
In the early 20th century, tea cultivation spread to India, Sri Lanka and Kenya. World Wars and independence led to the decline of the British tea trade. New varieties like Earl Grey appeared and tea bags were invented in the USA.
Despite competition from coffee chains, tea remains popular worldwide. Single-origin, organic and herbal teas have emerged. Will tea endure for another 2000 years? Exploring tea's enduring appeal, a timeless journey comes to an end.