• 始终保持耐心. 需要多加沟通,尽量避免直接批评对方。
• 理解不同. 尽量理解对方的不同习惯和需要,不要强求所有人的想法一样。
•设立清晰规则. 平心静气的将家里公共空间和设施的使用规则讲清楚。
•主动解决分歧. 发现问题后积极和对方核实事实,寻找解决方式。
•优先维护和谐. 和谐共处高于一切,对分歧和冲突,首先确保人际关系不破坏。
•得体表达不满. 如果对方行为确实产生困扰,可以用平和恭敬的语气把不满直言。
• shows empathy. Try to understand their situation and perspective, while setting clear boundaries.
• sets reasonable expectations. Be transparent and clear about your house rules while remaining accommodating.
• maintains professionalism. Address issues in a calm and non-judgemental manner. Focus on resolving conflicts, not assigning blame.
• focuses on solutions. When inconvenient behaviors occur, propose compromises that work for all involved.
• separates personality from behavior. Don't criticize the person, but do communicate when specific behaviors negatively impact others.
• proposes alternatives. When a rule is difficult for someone to follow, suggest acceptable substitutes that achieve the same goal.
• establishes consequences. As a last resort, for violating reasonable rules after warnings, outline proportional consequences to enforce them.
A respectful, empathetic approach while also maintaining clarity, consistency and professionalism tends to yield the best results when dealing with quirky renters. Hopefully this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions.