

1、先用淡盐水或漂白剂溶液轻轻沾湿粘鼠板。 salted water or bleach solution can help loose the glue.
2、用毛巾或湿抹布轻轻擦拭。 Gently wipe with a damp towel or cloth.
3、如果粘还是很难清除,可试添加一些气体,比如香皮油,柠檬精油等。 如果擦不掉,可考虑用护肤油(比如谷精油)试探性地在被粘住的部位抹一层,然后再重复剩下步骤。 The oil may help dissolve the glue and make it easier to wipe off.
4、最后再给小猫洗个热水澡,用手指轻轻揉搓毛发和皮肤,冲净残余物。 Give the kitten a warm water bath with gentle shampooing and rinsing to remove any remaining glue.  
5、检查一遍是否还有粘板残留,有需要再重复上述步骤。 Check again after drying to ensure all glue has been removed and repeat the above steps if needed.
清洗后务必查看小猫是否有受伤,注意观察行为和进食情况。Ensure the kitten is not injured during the process and observe closely for any changes in behavior or appetite afterwards. 希望能为您提供有帮助的信息!