1. "保天下者" 指的是承担起维护国家和社会大局利益和秩序的责任。
2."匹夫之贱" 是贬低的姿态,意思是任何一个普通人,即使微不足道。
3."有责焉耳矣" 乃至有责任,有义务, 所言极尽。
To maintain the stability of the nation and society is an obligation and responsibility that even the humblest citizen should strive to fulfill. The passage uses exaggeration to emphasize that any person of conscience should accept their duty within their capacity.
It contains the following information:
1. "To maintain the stability of the nation" refers to bearing the responsibility of safeguarding national interests and social order.
2."The humblest citizen" refers contemptuously to any ordinary person, insignificant though they may be.
3. "An obligation and responsibility" implies they have a duty to fulfill, however insignificantly.
Overall, it expresses the idea that even the most ordinary person should shoulder their due responsibility in maintaining social stability. It stresses that everyone should take responsibility for society.