

1. 打开App Store,这是iOS系统的官方应用商店。
2. 在App Store搜索栏内输入“夏日传说”关键词进行搜索。
3. 搜索结果会显示出“夏日传说”的官方应用,它的开发者是NetEase Games,这是网易游戏的子品牌,图标是橙色的背景里有个黑发少女的头像。
4. 点击应用图标进入应用详情页面,这里会显示应用的介绍、评分、玩家评论等信息。
5. 点击右上方的“免费取得”按钮开始下载应用。
6. iOS系统会开始下载和安装该应用,下载完成后就可以打开应用玩耍了。
7. 打开应用后,会有游戏资源的额外下载,需要连接WiFi下载游戏资源包才可以正式进入游戏。下载完成后点击进入游戏就可以体验夏日传说的游戏世界了。
8. 第一次启动游戏会让你选择服务器,根据网速选择后会进入角色创建流程,创建好角色就进入选卡准备玩耍了。
9. 夏日传说的目标是收集各式各样的卡片,组合卡组战斗对手。游戏有主线剧情和多种游戏模�<EOT>/* Global variables and functions */
// board represented as 1D array of cell objects, where indices correspond to coordinates:
let board;
// Default board size
let boardSize = 8;
// Track number of moves made
let movesMade = 0;
class Cell {
  constructor(row, col) {
    this.row = row;
    this.col = col;
    this.coord = [row, col];
    this.prevCoord = null;
    this.controlledBy = null;
    this.heuristic = null;
function scoreBoard(depth) {
  let score = { roseScore: 0, lilyScore: 0 };
  let controlledCellsRose = 0;
  let controlledCellsLily = 0;
  for (let row = 0; row < boardSize; row++) {
    for (let col = 0; col < boardSize; col++) {
      let cell = board[row * boardSize + col];
      if (cell.controlledBy === 'rose') {
        score.roseScore += heuristic(cell, depth);
      } else if (cell.controlledBy === 'lily') {
        score.lilyScore += heuristic(cell, depth);
  score.roseScore *= controlledCellsRose;
  score.lilyScore *= controlledCellsLily;
  return score;
function heuristic(cell, depth) {
  if (cell.heuristic === null) {
    if (depth == 0) {
      cell.heuristic = 1;
      return 1;
    } else {
      let neighbors = getNeighbors(cell);
      let roseControlled = 0;
      let lilyControlled = 0;
      for (let i = 0; i < neighbors.length; i++) {
        let neighbor = neighbors[i];
        if (neighbor.controlledBy === 'rose') roseControlled++;
        else if (neighbor.controlledBy === 'lily') lilyControlled++;
      cell.heuristic = Math.log2(roseControlled + 1) - Math.log2(lilyControlled + 1);
  return cell.heuristic;
function getNeighbors(cell) {
  let row = cell.row;
  let col = cell.col;
  let neighbors = [];
  for (let i = row - 1; i <= row + 1; i++) {
    for (let j = col - 1; j <= col + 1; j++) {
      if (i >= 0 && i < boardSize && j >= 0 && j < boardSize && !(i === row && j === col)) {
        neighbors.push(board[i * boardSize + j]);
  return neighbors;
function createBoard() {
  board = [];
  for (let row = 0; row < boardSize; row++) {