

1. 时间状语:通常用来修饰动词,表示动作或状态发生的时间,常用的时间状语有:already, always, ever, never, once, usually, often, frequently, sometimes, seldom, rarely, occasionally, daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, again, nowadays 等。例如:I usually go to school by bus.
2. 地点状语:表示动作或状态发生的地点,常用的地点状语有:here, there, anywhere, nowhere, everywhere, outside, upstairs, downstairs, indoors, outdoors 等。例如:The children were playing outside.
3. 方式状语:表示动作或状态的方式或方式方法,常用的方式状语有:quickly, slowly, carefully, hard, well, fast, early 等。例如:The old man walks slowly.
4. 原因状语:表示动作或状态的原因,常用的原因状语有: because, as, since, for, so 等。例如:I went to bed early because I was tired.
5. 条件状语:表示动作或状态所依存的条件,常用的条件状语有:if, unless, only if, in case等。例如:We will go hiking if it does not rain tomorrow.
6. 目的状语:表示动作或状态的目的,常用的目的状语有:to, in order to, so as to, for 等。例如:I came here to see you.
7. 结果状语:表示动作或状态的结果,常用的结果状语有: so...that, such...that 等。例如: It was such a boring movie that many people fell asleep.